Sabéis dónde se pueden comprar las entradas?
No sé si lo organizáis vosotros.
Me gustaría hablar con Siamak Jahangiri. Sabéis si habrá algún taller de ney?
Hi Rudi. Now you can find the information for Frankfurt´s concert in this page. Click in More information and there you can see all details of Shahram Nazeri´s European Tour 2011 with concerts Schedule and related links. Please inform also your interested friends of this page. As people say, this is the most complete page about this Tour in the Net.
Thank you.
Persepolis Cultural Center
We wish to listen them in istanbul too
We will inform you whenever they are going to have a concert in Istanbul.
Best regards
Cultural center Persepolis
Sabéis dónde se pueden comprar las entradas?
No sé si lo organizáis vosotros.
Me gustaría hablar con Siamak Jahangiri. Sabéis si habrá algún taller de ney?
Un saludo desde Barcelona.
Se puede adquirir las entradas a través de nuestro website.
Para las 3 priemras filas hay que llamar a 913600202.
Could you please tell me where in Madrid the concert will be?
In the Teatro Infanta Isabel, Calle Barquillo 24.
tel: +34 913600202
When are they coming to Norway? And how can we buy tickets for the event?
Thank you
The concert in Olso is canceled
Olá amigos,
for me, the concert in Frankfurt would be ideal. Where can I get tickets? Couldn’t find any hint in the web.
Muchas gracias
Hi Rudi. Now you can find the information for Frankfurt´s concert in this page. Click in More information and there you can see all details of Shahram Nazeri´s European Tour 2011 with concerts Schedule and related links. Please inform also your interested friends of this page. As people say, this is the most complete page about this Tour in the Net.
Thank you.
Persepolis Cultural Center