Primer plato: (vegetariano)
Ash-e Jo (Sopa de Cebada):
cebada, zanahoria, leche, perejil, caldo
& Borani Esfanaj: Espinaca, yogurt, cebolla, menta
Segundo plato:
Khoresh-e Karafs (Estufado de apio):
Apio, carne, cebolla, hierba buena, perejil,
cúrcuma, zumo de limón
& chelo: Arroz basmati al iraní con azafrán
Pan y bebidas tradicionales
Té & dulces
Night of the exotic gastronomy: “ persian cuisine” in Persépolis Center on 30/11/12 at 21:00 o´clock
Iranian food in an original ambiance
Limited capacity
Appetizer : (vegetarian)
Ash-e Jo (Barley Soup): Barley, carrots, milk, parsley, broth
& Borani Esfanaj: Spinach, yogurt, onion, mint
Main dish:
Khoresh-e Karafs (Celery stew): Celery, meat, onion, mint, parsley, turmeric, lemon juice
Chelo o polo (Iranian rice): Basmati rice, saffron
Traditional drinks
Tea & sweets